Celebrate or inform with an advertorial
Are you celebrating a special anniversary? Opening a new premises or business? A company name change and the reasons for that? Do you want to tell people a bit more about what you have on offer without over-loading your advert? Perhaps an advert is not appropriate for what you need to say to the local community: You just need to inform or advise locals on what your organisation or business offers.
The Advertiser is an advertising-only publication but if you want to run an editorial-style advert like those shown here please contact Sally Barker on 01793 840000 or [email protected].
An editorial can expand the amount of information you can place in an advert. It adds interest to the promotion of a business allowing you the chance to make it more personal and informative. Use photos of premises, product or staff, quotes and details which could overload a typical advert.
Sizes of advertorials can start from a half page to full page or even a pull-out section in the centre spread. Supply information and the Advertiser will do the rest. The rates for this are the same as the advertising rates. Please see our rates card for details.